Dopo avervi annunciato il rilascio di vBulletin 5 Connect, la nuova ed ultima versione di vBulletin, continuano le release ed i vari miglioramenti apportati alla versione beta.
E’ stata annunciata infatti la versione di vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 13, che include circa 112 bug corretti e numerosi miglioramenti per le performance in termini di velocità e stabilità.
Ecco il changelog, contenente l’elenco di tutti gli errori corretti e le modifiche apportate in questa Beta 13.
- VBV-3909 Too much time required to run 500a29 step 3
- VBV-4332 Unable to change users password via admincp
- VBV-4746 All links to topics go to the topic with the most recent update
- VBV-4825 Double rendering of pages
- VBV-4452 Multiple cache reads
- VBV-3678 Attachments will be gone when upgrading a vB4.2 forum to vB5 a37
- VBV-4659 Replace Issues with Stored Queries
- VBV-2855 3.x > 5.x Upgrade : All forum totals are 0/0
- VBV-2948 Debug mode is always on in the admincp
- VBV-4302 (Homepage and Forum Activity Streams) Re-opening Latest Activity tab in Activity Stream module always refreshes the tab content
- VBV-4900 Profile page takes 30 seconds to load
- VBV-4271 (Homepage and Forum Activity Streams) When making a different tab the default, the content should be loaded with the page, not loaded via ajax after the page is loaded.
- VBV-4505 Site builder – Error activating SiteBuilder. (Error code 404)
- VBV-4408 Topics pages doesn’t seems to be indexed in google
- VBV-2200 Widget API lacks of permission check
- VBV-4673 Javascript files should be bundled/rolled up to minimize multiple HTTP requests that slows down the loading of pages
- VBV-5070 Pagination in forums causes topics with replies to disappear from the stream
- VBV-4977 Creating new forums in the Page Manager gives an error when trying to save
- VBV-2070 “Add New Forum” fails if Parent Forum = No one
- VBV-4809 Can’t save edits to channels in admincp
- VBV-4971 FR: hard delete of thread returns permission denied
- VBV-4796 Forum Directory Listing too slow
- VBV-4757 Can’t save signature (You get an error instead) (undefined index vbforum_url)
- VBV-4873 Email Notifications sending multiple emails even when disabled
- VBV-2288 Edit User in admin cp fails with error
- VBV-4676 Edit Subscribed button will lead to the home page
- VBV-4767 Channel Display Order set in AdminCP isn’t adhered to on front end
- VBV-4426 Quotes are invisible in posts
- VBV-4899 Incorrect if condition in fetchChannelNodeTree
- VBV-2793 Editing super moderator permissions for admin causes error
- VBV-2957 Quotes in HTML Module aren’t rendered correctly
- VBV-4708 Error fetching preview while adding topic.
- VBV-4810 Should batch closure table calls.
- VBV-4841 Multiple queries for templates
- VBV-4451 Multiple Widget Queries
- VBV-3993 FILTER_VIEW_ACTIVITY has hardcoded published date range value – doesn’t cohere with the Activity Stream module configuration setting when click away and back to Latest Activity Stream tab
- VBV-4342 In some cases we are running the exact same query more than once on the same page load
- VBV-4819 Minimize Phrase queries
- VBV-4944 vBForum:getParents duplicate calls
- VBV-4948 Duplicate prefix queries being executed
- VBV-4399 vB5Presentation_cookieInfo is problematic
- VBV-4087 Forward Private Message with javascript on the title will break the title
- VBV-3980 Post icons are not imported to nodes during upgrade
- VBV-5017 Deleting a Forum in Sitebuider doesn’t delete it from forumhome
- VBV-4854 On directory, every thread title listed shows same date, same title
- VBV-4618 After creating visitor message you are being redirected to another page
- VBV-4861 FR: Like/unlike of a post returns permission denied
- VBV-4321 BB code doesn’t render in post view in any non-Main forum
- VBV-4868 FR: Reading a thread does not mark it as read
- VBV-4951 FR: Quotes are not handled properly in conversation text
- VBV-4970 FR: post_reply with just a postid returns permission denied
- VBV-2719 Reimporting the master style via admin cp doesn’t complete
- VBV-4885 Last post in directory shows as last forum added
- VBV-3939 Time of posting is missing in topics list
- VBV-1801 Requests will be displayed with a trimmed user name
- VBV-4866 FR: leave_conversation does not seem to work
- VBV-4748 Comments on visitor message replies disappear
- VBV-4581 Cannot edit picture blog enties
- VBV-1570 Allow BB code/smilies/HTML in private message settings are not working
- VBV-4331 Profile Activity Stream doesn’t show posts made, only threads
- VBV-5065 Post appears in section activity stream but not in activity stream on home page
- VBV-3725 Usergroup permission for “can search” is not working
- VBV-4925 Inlined attachments don’t show correctly
- VBV-4860 FR: When you inline an image uploaded through Forum Runner, it does not show up properly in the web browser
- VBV-4793 Wrong message for post flood protection on visitor messages
- VBV-3240 Poll adds in a default question
- VBV-4935 Options tagmaxlen and tagminlen are not set as public options, but need to be
- VBV-3795 Posts Per Day number is ridiculously huge
- VBV-2527 Selecting Album from Page Map results in 404
- VBV-783 “Subscriptions” list on user profile displays poorly.
- VBV-4278 During installation of upgrade I recieve this Database Error:1064
- VBV-3521 Profile Module Configuration: Setting a custom number of Subscriptions Results Per Page is broken
- VBV-4009 get_post is not returning canpost or html values
- VBV-2188 (Porting from vB4) CKEditor not creating links when valid url is in the message
- VBV-3828 Go Advanced button doesn’t work when editing blog posts
- VBV-4863 FR: Quote text in a conversation is incorrect
- VBV-4864 FR: When replying to conversation, title of the reply gets set to text of the reply
- VBV-3128 What’s Hot Configuration Settings need to be removed from the Activity Stream Module Configuration Options.
- VBV-363 After 4 failed attempts of login, every new failed attempt results in a black login box
- VBV-2594 New cache methods need a storage prefix
- VBV-4867 FR: “Show threads/posts” from profile does not work
- VBV-4211 vB5 Beta 7 errors redirect incorrectly to upgrade.php which actually does run to completion on fresh installed forum
- VBV-3624 Clicking links on the Registration Email Verification page results in a ‘Bad Request’ error
- VBV-1567 “Maximum Characters Per Private Message” setting doesn’t work
- VBV-4121 Notification message sent to the poster of the visitor message
- VBV-3182 Hook Request: postbit buttons
- VBV-3179 Hook Request: conversation userinfo
- VBV-3180 Hook Request: editor fields
- VBV-3549 Template Hooks: New Profile Tabs
- VBV-3187 Hook Request: Top Navbar
- VBV-3181 Hook Request: footer copyright
- VBV-4310 Bad CSS code
- VBV-1073 Blog Summary shows broken image when no blog icon was uploaded
- VBV-3766 Moderator View Selected Posts will display user as Guest
- VBV-1405 Welcome email is not sent to new users even if options enabled
- VBV-4862 FR: Summary text of threads contains BBCode
- VBV-2069 Extra gray bounding box on blog and group activity stream
- VBV-3267 Profile Page: Edit Settings button is too wide
- VBV-4865 Search input always visible in Chrome for iOS
- VBV-4983 Latest version available always N/A
- VBV-3427 Cannot edit, flag and like polls from activity stream
- VBV-4231 error_loading_preview is not a phrase
- VBV-2619 Posting video Link shows extra box around the video
- VBV-3736 Blog icon not displaying on member blogs
- VBV-1500 Redundant links in Navigation Bar
- VBV-1454 Detemine Core Path Automatically.
- VBV-4879 Reputation errors
- VBV-4826 Install process stopped at 47%
- VBV-4973 Login not working and posting no errors
- VBV-5101 After upgrade blogs don’t open
- VBV-3882 Upgrading from a39 to a40 will miss last upgrade version
- VBV-5022 Options Message Attachment Options — form is truncated
Informazioni e Download
Come per tutte le versioni “beta” di vBulletin, non viene fornito supporto tramite telefono o ticket. In via esclusiva, per coloro che dovessero acquistare una licenza di vBulletin 5 Connect, verrà fornito un supporto di 30gg.
Ecco un Live Demo di vBulletin 5 Connect in azione.