Nuovo aggiornamento pe tutti gli utilizzatori di vBulletin, il software è giunto infatti pochi giorni fa alla versione 4.1.8. Diverse le novità ed i bug corretti, soprattutto grazie alle segnalazioni di membri della community ufficiale, tramite l'applicazione dei ticket.
Queste le cinque modifiche apportate a vBulletin grazie alle segnalazioni pervenute:
- “The threads below have not been updated since your last visit” message is not displayed in search results when appropriate”(reported by Andy)
- “No persistent and elegant way to change editor style” (reported by cellarius)
- “ad_showthread_firstpost & ad_footer_end ad locations are no longer present”(reported by djbaxter)
- “Search Performance – too many queries” (reported by ricktas)
- “Use Absolute URLs When Making AJAX Requests” (reported by digitalpoint)
Ecco invece il changelog con tutti i fix e bug corretti:
- VBIV-13545 Cursor in WYSIWYG editor disappears when using arrow keys to move it
- VBIV-13540 Blog Sub-Domain AJAX Broken and AJAX URLs Not Extensible
- VBIV-13066 Lightbox for images inline does not work on multi domain board
- VBIV-13565 The editor mode changed in qucik edit is not retained when navigated to ‘Go advanced' editor (4.1.8 Regression)
- VBIV-13542 Delete controls out of Alignment – Quick Editor (Regression)
- VBIV-13539 Create product to disable Webkit Xss checking
- VBIV-13537 Script Error is thrown when Ctrl+A -> Ctrl+V -> Ctrl+C
- VBIV-13488 Depth of Sub-Forums = 1 is Considered as 2
- VBIV-13482 Mark This Forum Read from Forum Tools Dropdown doesn't mark ‘Sticky' threads as read
- VBIV-13481 double click on forum icon does not mark a forum as read (regression 4.1.7)
- VBIV-13479 Users reputation disappears after giving them rep via ajax.
- VBIV-13478 Recent Activity Widget Not Showing Avatars when They're Stored in the File System
- VBIV-13477 Script Error Thrown when Clicking Insert Link Button in Source Mode
- VBIV-12652 2checkout paid subscriptions fails with error – “hash mismatch, please check your secret word” or “This action could not be completed because a security token is missing”
- VBIV-12578 Quote BB Code insert into the second line if you don't click on editor content first
- VBIV-12365 Discepancy in total number of online members on the forum home compared to the Who's Online page
- VBIV-12338 Script error thrown in certain flow when we add image and text with bulleted list
- VBIV-12319 Script error is displayed when clicked on align right icon in IE7
Come aggiornare vBulletin?
Entrate nell'area membri sul sito ufficiale di vBulletin, scaricate la nuova versione e procedete all'aggiornamento del software, sovrascrivendo i nuovi files via FTP e puntando al file “upgrade.php”, relativo per l'aggiornamento.
Alla prossima!