Expose Flash Gallery 4 è un ottimo componente gratuito per Joomla (CMS free), che consente la realizzazione di stupende gallerie di immagini e foto in flash, con effetti speciali per abbellire e rendere più professionale l’aspetto del vostro sito web.
Al momento in cui scrivo l’ultima versione della galleria in flash è la 4.6.3
– Joomla 1.5.0
– PHP 5.2+
– DOM (build-in PHP 5)
– GD2
– safe_mode must be Off.
– disable_functions must not include the functions exec and set_time_limit.
– file_uploads must be set to On.
– upload_max_filesize and post_max_size parameters control the maximum file size that can be uploaded. Increase the value (default is 2M), if you have problems uploading high resolution media.
– memory_limit must be set high, so the image transformation can process the uploads.
– max_input_time and max_execution_time control the maximum time the script is able to run before timing-out.
Caratteristiche e Funzioni
- direct linking to a photo or album
- a slide show can be automatically started
- a background/foreground image can be loaded
- more interface elements can be now customized
- smoother Interface
- iframe has been removed, full php integration
- easier to adjust the size using only the expose.html.php
- improved background color adjustments
- check_system.php script added for troubleshooting
- supports SEF URL’s
- upload/add background image through Joomla backend
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